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  • Writer's pictureSR Auto Group

Daily Driven

By now you know who owns this Carrera GT, and if you don't then does the word 'daily driven' ring a bell? Although this car has been seen on the internet quite a few times now, we realized we never took any proper photos of it. So before we missed our window of opportunity, we grabbed the camera and headed out for a quick shoot. The modifications are clean and simple for this Carrera GT as you only want to enhance what is already there, not take away. For the exterior, it features a TechArt carbon fiber front lip and TechArt 3 piece carbon fiber gurney flap. The gurney flap spans across the entire rear end, and splits at the point where the factory spoiler rises. The flap features a 2x2 carbon fiber weave which matches the factory spoiler stands. Moving onto the wheels, we have here a set of forged monoblock HRE P101's which have been refinished in a custom mixed gloss gold. The gold definitely adds to the racecar motif of the Carrera GT, and aesthetically blends well with the factory yellow calipers and grey exterior paint. To see more of this car, check out Daily Driven Exotics on Youtube.


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